Friday, May 23, 2008

Bad Days...

I am writing this blog (I don’t know if this will be short) because I am absolutely bored to death. Not that I neglect my daily work, it’s just that there is no access to yahoo mail today. It really is disturbing because I’m so used of logging on to yahoo to check my mails regularly, even 3-5 times a day or more.

This day is becoming worse, first of all, I was late for work, I came in around almost 930am. I don’t want to be late for anything because it’s a sign of being unprofessional. Well, at least during the time I’m traveling to work, 2 really great songs played on the radio, first is “Baby Can I Hold You” originally sang by Tracy Chapman, revived by Boyzone. The one that played on the radio was the version of Boyzone, really nice, mellow but potent, emotion-wise, or maybe at least to me it is that potent. I love the strings playing A-minor scale, adding that expressive meno dolce (less sweet) yet amoroso (lovingly) feel. The second one was from Plus One and it’s called “Last Flight Out”. It has that serene and also potent feel, but different from the earlier song I mentioned. This one is in key of E-Major. I also love the strings here because they kind of sound like a synthesizer but the string ensemble’s sound is very identifiable. Actually, what’s stuck in my head is Last Flight Out (I have this song’s video in my multiply account), it’s really nice; I wish you can hear it. What’s that situation when a song is stuck in your head? Oh yes, Last Song Syndrome (LSS).

I feel bad for my co-worker, he has no internet connection whatsoever since this morning. I know what that feels like, very vulnerable. Thankfully for me I can access some other sites, he can’t. Not to demean him or anything but, It’s probably one of those really darn-it days when just when you need the net, this happens. That used to happen to me, but he was there to the rescue, me, I’m super incapable of even helping with his problem, just to sympathize I guess.

I’m a bit disappointed today because I’m supposed to meet this guy today, during lunch, but no, it never happened. He told me he’d text me if ever he’s around Makati so we can have our rendezvous. Unfortunately, no word from him, I even asked him if it (rendezvous) would still push through, nada. I’m disappointed so much, he didn’t even text me about it. I’m sad, I hope we can still meet one of these days. I feel like crying because I didn’t meet him, but no I’m not gonna cry, I’d understand him. Who knows? He might well become my boyfriend…

This day is one of those days…really bad one, within a year a day or two like this occurs, and guess what? There’s another year coming ahead of me, that means 2 really bad days ahead for 2008 (I started in this company last June 2007, from that time up until now May 2008, there has been a total of 2 horribly bad days). I just want to go home and sulk and cry and then workout. There’s a possibility that I am wrong and that many more really bad days are ahead, hopefully not more than 20.

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